
An Australian
revolution in large
building maintenance.

Arcsite is a collaboration portal that redefines the relationship between Building Managers and the Owners Corporation. This easy to navigate community data space facilitates, next level communication and documentation to ensure a building is safe, functional and comfortable using a locally built world class simple maintenance management solution.


Comprehensive Maintenance Plan

The building is onboarded to the Arcsite portal following our extensive examination of its documentation, this includes quantifying assets, compiling your maintenance schedule and assessing the relevant building files and sinking funds.

Your building is live!

Log in to find your maintenance plan, routine and safety inspection frequencies, estimated service life of all common area building elements, occupany maintenance requests, contractor check in… and so much more.

Collaboration saves time & money

A single source information silo for your building maintenance including critical history and future planning. Saving building owners significant dollars by taking a proactive approach to asset management.

Call Us:

02 6288 0402


Single Source

Finally! one place for common area defects, maintenance requests,  contractor check-in, files, photos, reminders, service history and future planning

Duty Of Care

Confidence that building maintenance and safety is strictly monitored and proactively managed

Critical history

Precious historical data on service providers and maintenance actions, in a lifetime platform

THE Arcsite

A community of collaboration

Arcsite offers a single source lifetime platform for building monitoring and management. 

Long vision
management solution

Large or small, apartment, townhouse and commercial buildings, every building group faces the same challenges. 

A fresh proactive

Owners Corporations and Strata Managers now have confidence in a single source platform. 


welcome aboard!

Regardless of size, all buildings onboarded to the Arcsite compliance portal are saving significant time and money by utilising a platform that consolidates data for all stakeholders.