

Developer/Builder Confirmation

Terms and Conditions

    1. Acceptance of Proposal: I have read and understood the Arcsite Proposal Letter including Scope of Services + Terms & Conditions.
    2. QR Code Production and Installation: An essential function of the Arcsite system is the installation of bespoke QR Codes. Arcsite will produce and fully install QR codes in common areas of the building complex at an appropriate time as directed by the Developer and their agents. By signing this agreement I authorise production and installation of QR plates.
    3. Common Area Defect Register: I agree to commit our team to utilising the Common Area Defect register in the Arcsite system and endorsing this platform as the single primary communications tool between Building Management Group and the Builder/Developer.
    4. Payment of Fees: I agree the Arcsite onboarding invoice will be paid in full following the maintenance plan site visit and prior to activation of user login access to the portal for this building.
    5. Support and Training: Arcsite will provide necessary support and training to ensure a smooth transition and effective use of the Arcsite platform.
    6. Renewal Terms: Subscription renewal terms will be offered to the Owners Corporation based on the onboarding proposal offered to the Developer.
    7. Acceptance of Terms & Conditions: Our group has read and accepts the Terms & Conditions outlined in the Arcsite Proposal letter.

By authorising your building to be onboarded to the Arcsite Portal, you agree to the above terms and conditions. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the Arcsite Team 02 6288 0402.

On behalf of the Developer and Builder for the above-mentioned complex, I am authorised to make directions on behalf of the Group and sign this form.