

Strata Maintenance Plans - THE ARCSITE SOLUTION

The Unit Titles (Management) Act 2011 legislates that all ACT Owners Corporations are required to hold a formal Maintenance Plan. The Executive Committee and Strata Manager must then reference and update the plan as part of their legal responsibility to oversee common property maintenance and provide a safe comfortable and appropriately maintained building.

Arcsite is a collaboration portal that redefines the relationship between Strata Manager and the Owners Corporation. This easy to navigate community data space facilitates, next level communication and documentation to ensure a building is safe, functional and comfortable and to fulfil the mandatory requirement to oversee and update a building’s maintenance plan.

Maintenance Plans include comprehensive commentary on estimated service life, anticipated expenditure and routine/safety inspection frequencies. The plans can be downloaded into a PDF for circulation, however, the ‘live plan’ that sits in Arcsite will be your new best friend. Arcsite sets your reminders and follow ups taking all of the guesswork out of routine and safety inspections. Finally a building’s maintenance history can be managed in one easy to access portal available to the Executive Committee and their Strata Manager to facilitate seamless, transparent and efficient management of your valuable asset. Via stylish non intrusive QR codes, residents can seamlessly push maintenance requests to the system and contractors can ‘check in’ to the building to add another level of security and accountability to their service. Most importantly, Arcsite travels with the building no matter who is in charge of management, putting owners back in full control of their building records.

Arcsite: Empowering Owners Corporations with Building Data

Recent investigations, such as the Four Corners exposé “The Strata Trap”, have highlighted widespread issues with transparency and record keeping in strata management. When Executive Committees (ECs) or management groups change, important building data such as service contracts, defect histories, and maintenance schedules—are often lost, leaving Owners Corporations with incomplete or outdated information. The cost to owners is staggering.

Arcsite offers the solution. Arcsite is designed to provide lifetime access to a building’s essential data, ensuring that records are preserved regardless of management transitions. Its proactive approach to maintenance management and resident communications helps identify potential issues early, reducing the likelihood of costly repairs and saving owners significant amounts of money. As an alternative to relying on systems dictated by the Management Group, Arcsite becomes a permanent asset for the building, accessible to the Executive Committee at any time.

Image of Arcsite's strata management plans

By centralising critical information, Arcsite empowers Owners Corporations with the transparency and control needed to make informed decisions and protect their assets. The system is designed for, and belongs to, the owners. It is powerful technology delivered in a cost effective and simple to navigate platform. Forward-thinking Building Management groups who have adopted Arcsite alongside their clients report significant benefits: enhanced collaboration, streamlined data handling, and seamless reporting that not only improves compliance but also strengthens risk management. Arcsite puts the power back in the hands of Owners Corporations, ensuring that they—not third parties—maintain ownership of their building’s essential data.

Key Features include:

  • Simple asset register and maintenance planning/reminder system
  • Service contracts register
  • QR codes fitted to the building to allow residents to push maintenance requests and service contractors to check-in
  • Resident noticeboard (accessed via the QR codes) to communicate maintenance actions in progress
  • Digital filing cabinet to store warranties, contracts, operation & maintenance manuals, meeting records and much more

Game Changer


Arcsite provides an up to the minute snapshot of a building’s entire maintenance activity for any given period. Our comprehensive reporting facility is a game changer for insurance reviews and claims.

Saving Time & Money

The goal posts for large building management have changed. Gone are the days of lost information and poor record keeping. Arcsite does all the work for you, and travels with the Owners Corporation to provide long term history, saving owners significant dollars.

Duty of Care

An Owners Corporation has a common law duty of care to lot owners and could be liable for damages if it acts in a way, or fails to act in a way, which amounts to “negligence”. Arcsite provides a comprehensive, easy to navigate data space where routine and safety inspections can be monitored and recorded.


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